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Output Peripherals

DL4600 Dot Matrix Printer

Fujitsu America, Inc.

DL4600 24-wire, dot-matrix printer is designed for industrial,commercial, or office printing. Its exceptional speed, print quality,wide variety of fonts, color printing capability, quiet functioning, andease of use make it a good choice for workstation users who require ahigh-performance printer. DL4600 can print letters, envelopes,spreadsheets, multipart forms, transparencies, and graphics.DL4600 features include 400 cps draft mode, 266 cps report-quality mode,and 133 cps letter-quality mode; RS-232C and Centronics interfaces; fivestandard fonts and many optional fonts on easy-to-use font cards; quietprinting at 53 dBA, plus a more quiet Quiet Print mode; IBM ProprinterXL24, Fujitsu DPL24C PLUS, and Epson LQ-2500/2550 emulations; selectableinput buffer sizes of 256 bytes, 2 KB, 8 KB, or 24 KB; outstandingreliability with 8-hour MTBF; and 48-character LCD operator panel.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Fujitsu America, Inc.
3055 Orchard Dr
San Jose, CA 95134
Phone: (408) 432-6333
        (800) 626-4686
Fax: (408) 432-1318